Archive for July 2007

Delicious Software

July 16, 2007

Wow, this is the “recipe library” application that are about to come out for Mac, the UI and the organization is kissass, couldn’t wait until it come out, and it’s for mac only, ah haa..


July 8, 2007

The color of this picture is really great!! make me wanna smile!!!

Beautiful Windows

July 5, 2007

Beautiful windows, at least it’s not Microsoft windows.11

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A good place to learn CSS

July 5, 2007

css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design

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Thinking about code

July 5, 2007

style type=”text/css” media=”screen” …………
Ummmm.. this is the kind of thing that I can think think think all these day….


July 3, 2007



Yummy Coffeeee.jpg

Another day, another cup of coffee! harrrrr !!!!!

Increase Brain Activity

July 3, 2007

There are many fun way that will increase your brain activity. It has been proven that the more exercise you give your brain the more it will grow and operate to new superman levels. Are you striking to be more intelligent, more creative and more rich and Bill Gates, down got a few way’s on how you can achieve your goals.

1. Just Stop

“Take 20-3- minutes out of your day to think about nothing. But don’t sleep – you’ve got to meditate. Sit still, reduce sensory input, and try to focus your mind on something like a calm scene or a color ( to begin with thinking about something rather than trying to think of “nothing” is easier). A study at the University of Kentucky revealed that subjects who took a late-afternoon test after meditating for 30 minutes had better scores than those who napped for the same time.”

2. Hit the streets.

“Lace up your running shoes and get moving. AS study from the University of Illinois, US, revealed that aerobic exercise actually increases brain volume. They put two groups through different regimens – one did aerobic training three times weekly for one hour; the other group did just stretching and toning exercise. The aerobics group had increased their brain volume and white matter, which forms the connection between neurons.

3. Drinking Mocha

“Swilling mocha or coffee could be the perfect accompaniment to the cryptic crossword. Austrian researchers measuring brain activity found short-term memory and concentration improved after consuming 100-mg of caffeine – equal to an America-no. But after 40 minutes those guinea pigs were back to the dumbness levels of twice-a-day Deal Or No deal viewer”

Protected: How to start a day?

July 3, 2007

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